
Showing posts with the label fusion

Resep: Potato Cheese Balls Recipe

As a big fan of potato and cheese at the same time, the combination of both is just lovely for me. So, few weeks ago I wrote a recipe for Perkedel , Indonesian style mashed potato fritters. This recipe is even better, well because I added cheese into the dough and filled with mozzarella, it's breaded, and deep fried. Can I name it Perkedel Hybrid? Well, it's really a must try recipe anyway.  There's an option to put the garlic in or not, I prefer mine without garlic. But if you want it with garlic, it will taste pretty close to  Perkedel  while I like it cheesy so better to leave the garlic. You can also replace the corned beef with chopped smoked beef. It is important to put the breaded potato balls into the fridge (approximately 15-30 minutes) before frying as you want everything stick together. Deep fry on medium low heat, until golden brown. Ingredients: 4 potatoes, boiled, peeled 50 gr corned beef 1 tbsp flour 50 gr grated cheddar cheese 100 gr mozzarella, cut into c...

Akira Back Jakarta: The Affordable Set Menu Offering - Starting IDR 180k ++

Another Japanese food experience, Akira Back . To describe, their menus are quite unique as they present modern Japanese food, western inspired dishes but using ingredients that commonly used in Japanese cuisine with a twist of Korean, to me it's very interesting. Chef Akira Back is a Korean-born, and he used to be a professional snowboarder, more than enough to explain why menus here are quite unique and yass adventurous! Widely known as a Japanese fine dining restaurant, Akira Back Jakarta finally dilated to middle market with IDR 180k ++ set menu, including starter, main, and dessert. Starters There are four starters to choose, first it's Salmon Aburi with yuzu soy, topped with peppers and radish sprouts. Actually Salmon Aburi is my must order in Japanese restaurant but I went for the Kimchee-se Sliders, warm toasted bun, juicy short rib patty with mozzarella cheese, it was really tasty and portion was generous too, big enough for a slider, almost like a burger. Next, Hac...

OpenSnap - Paduan Restoran: Start Your Food Journey!

Mungkin ada hanya sedikit yang tau atau malah masing asing dengan OpenSnap ? Lain halnya dengan OpenRice yang sudah banyak dikenal sebelumnya, actually   OpenSnap is the new OpenRice . Sebuah website direktori kuliner, paduan untuk mencari restoran, khususnya di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Tentunya tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk perluasan ke wilayah lainnya di masa yang akan datang. Fitur utama untuk mencari tempat makan berdasarkan kategori tertentu seperti lokasi dan jenis makann. Lebih dari itu, menurutku yang membuah website ini lebih istimewa karena terdapat kategori khusus. Pilihan editor adalah yang paling menarik, misalnya kategori " Durian Paling Nikmat Dan Mantap " yang dapat dijadikan referensi untuk mencari tempat-tempat yang menyajikan durian. Selain itu, untuk yang suka keju, " All About Cheese " dan " Selection Of Martabak " buat yang suka martabak, jadi mencari makanan dengan OpenSnap bisa lebih spesifik pada makanan yang diinginkan. Mulai da...

Resep: Poached Egg In Tomato Sauce

It looks like Shashouka, pretty much the same, poached egg in tomato sauce but classic shashouka has more spices such as cumin, usually has chili peppers in it. Mine is more Italian, as I used bolognese sauce, also works with marinara sauce. Store bought is just fine but if you want to make your own, check out my Marinara Sauce recipe. Ingredients : 1 cup Italian pasta sauce or marinara 1 egg salt n pepper to taste, if needed mozzarella cheese (optional) Directions : Cook the sauce on a pan, season it with salt and pepper (if needed). Add in the egg, cook longer if you want fully cooked egg or less for runny egg yolk. Serve with bread. Find me on: Youtube  and  Instagram   @heytheresia  for daily food and travel updates

Resep: Ayam Geprek a'la Jogja

Yang tinggal di Jogja atau yang sering jalan-jalan ke Jogja pasti gak asing dengan "ayam geprek". Salah satu yang terkenal namanya  Ayam Geprek Bu Rum . Rasanya nagih banget, dan ternyata buat sendiri di rumah juga bisa, gampang banget. Kalo beli biasanya cabe 10-15, semakin pedas rasanya semakin semangat makannya. Untuk yang kurang suka pedas, cabe 5 sepertinya cukup. OK so what is actually " ayam geprek "? Not a traditional Javanese food but locals made it like typical food of Yogyakarta, it's everywhere though not as many as gudeg . Here's few ingredients you'll need to make ayam geprek ala Jogja: Ingredients : 1 pcs your favorite American style fried chicken 1 clove of garlic few hot chili peppers (I used red bird's eye chili) salt to taste Optional ingredients : 1/4 tsp sugar a sliced of tomato (optional) shrimp paste / terasi (optional), I did NOT put any, but you can try, adjust to your taste a pinch of granulated mushroom bouillon (optional...

AW Kitchen by Akira Watanabe: First Anniversary Dinner

AW Kitchen by Akira Watanabe - Jakarta: First Anniversary Dinner First is always special. This week, I attended a dinner fete celebrating one year old AW Kitchen   by Akira Watanabe , Plaza Senayan. To survive, it's not easy, new restaurants keep coming up all year long at least few in a month. But they made it, perhaps because Italian food that fit to everyone's tongue or is it Japanese ingredients that likely accepted by most of us?  Antipasto - Gazpacho Shrimp Pinchos, Caponata Canape, Yellow Tail and Salmon Carpaccio . Great combination to start dinner, every part of this dish was just appetizing, fresh shot of gazpacho succeed tantalized my taste bud. Though I'm not a fan of raw fish but tuna and salmon carpaccio were the prime increasing my appetite. Primi Pasta - Cold Capellini with Salmon, Capers and Lemon Sauce  it was like Japanese buckwheat noodle, cold soba but in different way. Thin capellini pasta coated with chilled basil pesto sauce, tiny diced salmon o...