Resep: Ayam Geprek a'la Jogja
Yang tinggal di Jogja atau yang sering jalan-jalan ke Jogja pasti gak asing dengan "ayam geprek". Salah satu yang terkenal namanya Ayam Geprek Bu Rum . Rasanya nagih banget, dan ternyata buat sendiri di rumah juga bisa, gampang banget. Kalo beli biasanya cabe 10-15, semakin pedas rasanya semakin semangat makannya. Untuk yang kurang suka pedas, cabe 5 sepertinya cukup. OK so what is actually " ayam geprek "? Not a traditional Javanese food but locals made it like typical food of Yogyakarta, it's everywhere though not as many as gudeg . Here's few ingredients you'll need to make ayam geprek ala Jogja: Ingredients : 1 pcs your favorite American style fried chicken 1 clove of garlic few hot chili peppers (I used red bird's eye chili) salt to taste Optional ingredients : 1/4 tsp sugar a sliced of tomato (optional) shrimp paste / terasi (optional), I did NOT put any, but you can try, adjust to your taste a pinch of granulated mushroom bouillon (optional...