Byron Selective - Bandung
It's been a while, I finally made it to update this blog again. Also beside sharing recipes, it's a resto review. I've been very busy lately, well actually for the past few months (read: almost a year). Allow me to share, so for the past few months we, me and my partner, we got lots of project that we feel blessed. There are still many waiting to be finished. We made video content for social media, mostly cooking video. Not an easy thing, we're still learning anyway but hey I think we really can make it better day by day. As it's getting organized, I hope I can have more time to write here, also to make my own content especially for my Youtube channel. This year is gonna be fabulous. Byron Selective. This place, located in Progo, close to some other cafes and restos. Precisely, it's beside the famous Jonas Photo Studio, and there's a connection door in between. I think I saw some pictures on Instagram about this place then Truffle Fries So, the uppermost to...