
Seoul Food Guide 2015: How To Eat in Korea?

fried fishcakes with ketchup and mustard I know it can be very easy if you're in a middle or upper restaurant as they will serve you just most of restaurant in Indonesia, full service. At some places such as coffee shop, bakeries, and dessert cafe, you want to go the counter, ordering the food, doing payment, and pick wherever you want to sit. If it takes few times to make your order, they will give like a small buzzer that will notify you when the food is ready so you can pick it up at the counter. Also when you're done, make sure to bring the tray and empty bowl or cup to the counter.  Cutleries can be found inside the drawer, just look around the table edges. Or it might be on the table, simply look for a wooden or plastic box, closely like a tissue box. Generally you can only get spoon, metal chopstick, and paper napkins. Water is usually provided for free. read more about travel guide to Seoul, here .  Where? Seoul is a big city. It's very easy to find restaurants, caf

Resep: Pull Apart Garlic Cheese Bread Recipe

Pull Apart Garlic Cheese Bread I watched a lot of Buzz Feed Videos, honestly very inspiring. Else, Pinterest. I've been on Pinterest since like 4 years ago, definitely my favorite app. Learned a lot about cooking, also found super inspiring blog. I am not a super cook, I've never been in a cooking school. So, once a while I got a question  about my recipes, how did you get it? First, the inspiration. It was from Youtube, Pinterest, or any other social media. Also, I spent many times to eat from one place to another, from food stalls to restaurants. Street food is definitely very exciting. Visiting wet market is always on my to-do list. I always want to make conversation related to food. It can be from anywhere, and anyone. Travel, yes you need it. See the world, taste the local food. Second, get into the kitchen. I've tried it before, it could be once or something that I made many times. First attempt is usually works, get the feeling into it. But of course there were time

Travel Guide to Seoul, South Korea 2015

Bonus: Find out about how to get in K-Pop show and more things to do in Seoul Just finished my third visit to South Korea, it was enough to write about this simple guide, well or just take it as me sharing my stories. First, for us with Indonesian passport, let's just prepare some documents for visa. Either with or without the travel agent, here's my experience applying Korean Visa through Korean Embassy in Jakarta. Get In: By air, most of international flights get in through Incheon International Airport (ICN), though some flights from Japan also flying to Gimpo. First was with Garuda Indonesia. Last year was with Cathay Pacific with a transfer at Hong Kong and a stopover before going back to Jakarta. The airlines I know that have special price for 2 pax purchasing, Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific. Service was amazing, personally (for no reason, my un-important thing) I usually make an order for special meal request. From gluten free to vegetarian, it's just fun to

Resep: S'mores Dip Recipe #eatthetrend

Eat the trend? I saw this few times on Pinterest and decided to make once I saw it again on Buzz Feed Food. The easiest dip that won't disappoint you. A delightful dessert to share with your love ones. Instead of graham crackers (which is hard to find, it's usually quite expensive here), you can use pretty much anything such as crostini bread, digestive biscuits, or mini pretzel like I did. Anyway, I found the mini pretzel by chance at Grand Lucky SCBD, around IDR 25.000 for big bag of this salty munchies. I'm thinking about sliced apples, how about you, anything else? If you have done this, please let me know what is your favorite to be dipped in. The combination of salty pretzel and bitter sweet chocolate - marshmallow, kind of the same sensation when eating soft ice cream with fries, so addicting. Though some people might find it weird, it's OK. But if you're with me, here's the very few things you'll need: Ingredients : good quality chocolate chips marsh

Resep: Baked Mac 'n Cheese Recipe

Pasta is Italian but Macaroni 'n Cheese is American. Cheese sauce made from roux, sharp cheddar cheese, sometimes grated nutmeg included. Some people also like to add dried herbs such as oregano or thyme, to me garlic works really good so instead of adding some herbs, you may want to try garlic. Bread crumbs is just lovely to be put on top of the mac n cheese, it gives crunchy texture. Well, I'm out of bread crumbs at that time, replaced it with grated dry pita bread, yes it works!  Ingredients : 250 gr dry macaroni, cooked by following the package instruction 2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp flour 2 cups milk 2 cups red cheddar cheese couple cloves of garlic, grated panko bread crumbs bacon or beef bacon / smoked beef, sliced grated nutmeg (optional) salt and pepper to taste Directions : In a sauce pan, melt the butter, saute the garlic and bacon (if you're using) Add flour, mix well, pour the milk slowly to prevent lumpy sauce Add the cheese and seasoning Mix the cheese sauce and co

How To/Cara: Apply Visa Turis Korea Selatan 2015

Satu hal yang paling malas dilakukan sebelum traveling ke negara tertentu seperti ke beberapa negara di Asia, juga ke Eropa, yaitu apply visa. Tepatnya ini adalah kunjungan ketiga ke Korea Selatan, sebelumnya karena malas jadi daftar melalui travel agent , dengan biaya yang tidak jauh berbeda. Tapi kali ini, karena penasaran dan ingin tau sendiri jadi akhirnya kali ini daftar sendiri. Sebaiknya apply minimal 2 minggu sebelum keberangkatan, untuk jaga-jaga jika ada dokumen yang kurang lengkap atau dokumen tambahan yang diminta pihak konsulat. Prosesnya pembuatan visa sekitar 5 hari kerja dengan biaya untuk Visa Single Entry (kunjungan 90 hari) sebesar 520.000 rupiah. Dokumen - dokumen yang perlu disiapkan antara lain: Formulir Aplikasi Visa yang sudah diisi, bisa diperoleh disini Paspor Asli dan foto copy, jika baru ganti paspor sertakan paspor lama Pas Foto dengan latar belakang putih, 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm Kartu Keluarga dan foto copy Surat Keterangan Kerja dan SIUP tempat bekerja Surat

OpenSnap - Paduan Restoran: Start Your Food Journey!

Mungkin ada hanya sedikit yang tau atau malah masing asing dengan OpenSnap ? Lain halnya dengan OpenRice yang sudah banyak dikenal sebelumnya, actually   OpenSnap is the new OpenRice . Sebuah website direktori kuliner, paduan untuk mencari restoran, khususnya di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Tentunya tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk perluasan ke wilayah lainnya di masa yang akan datang. Fitur utama untuk mencari tempat makan berdasarkan kategori tertentu seperti lokasi dan jenis makann. Lebih dari itu, menurutku yang membuah website ini lebih istimewa karena terdapat kategori khusus. Pilihan editor adalah yang paling menarik, misalnya kategori " Durian Paling Nikmat Dan Mantap " yang dapat dijadikan referensi untuk mencari tempat-tempat yang menyajikan durian. Selain itu, untuk yang suka keju, " All About Cheese " dan " Selection Of Martabak " buat yang suka martabak, jadi mencari makanan dengan OpenSnap bisa lebih spesifik pada makanan yang diinginkan. Mulai da