
Resep: Indomie Mie Goreng Nuclear Recipe | Heytheresia

I spent many nights watching World Cup 2018, I got nuts, snacks, drinks, but blame this always hungry girl right here, it's like never ending story that craving for spicy / savory dish after sweet treats and it continues.. Based on what I had in fridge that night, I present Mie Goreng Nuclear , my version. So.. it's about an easy yet worth to try and I bet you'll make it over again. By the time I wrote this, I've made this noodle recipe 3 times, plus 1 that I filmed for my Youtube video. How spicy? You decide, I DO NOT recommend using fresh chili as it will change the taste. The key is the prepared sambal terasi , yes the one in jar. I guess it will also work with sambal bajak . If you can handle super spicy food then go for boncabe level 15 (not sponsored), I did. For the topping, I did with meatballs, once I tried with egg but for me I will stick with meatball or maybe sliced sausage / hotdog / spam. You may want to add more seasoning (salt and kecap manis ) when add

Resep: Honey Butter Fried Chicken Recipe

Honey Butter Chips or Almonds are very popular in South Korea at least for the past few years. Honestly, honey - butter sounds very interesting to me. This week I watch a video on Youtube about how to make Honey Butter Fried Chicken , it was from one of my favorite Korean Youtuber, Maangchi. So, I decided to make my own. I marinated the chicken with garlic as I prefer more flavorful taste. Double fry is a method that actually works really well for fried chicken.  For the sauce, the original recipe calls for garlic, yes it tasted great but I found that you really can skip the garlic for even richer honey and butter taste. Sugar is great for coating while the honey is just as flavoring, one of the most important part (for me) is to add some of the butter in last minute once you turned off the heat. It will add stronger butter flavor. It's great with chili sauce but I have a dipping sauce recipe that suits this fried chicken, simply mix all the ingredients, and adjust the taste to you

Olive Oil: Bisa Dibuat Apa Aja?

Mungkin dari kebanyakan kamu berpikir kalau Olive Oil identik dengan salad atau buat tumis, selain itu kira-kira bisa dipakai untuk apa aja? Nah, jenis Olive Oil sendiri ada beberapa macam, mulai dari Extra Virgin Olive Oil yang biasanya berwarna kuning kehijauan, Pure Olive Oil, dan Extra Light Olive Oil yang terlihat paling bening jika dibandingkan dengan jenis yang sebelumnya disebutkan. Biasanya Pure Olive Oil dan Extra Light Olive Oil banyak digunakan untuk baking, membuat kue, dan juga untuk menumis karena rasanya yang lebih ringan dan tidak memiliki aroma yang tajam. Yang akan aku bahas kali ini adalah Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO), karena selain banyak manfaatnya jenis ini juga merupakan perasan pertama jadi sangat aman dikonsumsi bahkan untuk bayi. Selain itu, Extra Virgin Olive Oil juga memiki rasa yang khas yang biasa digunakan sebagai perasa atau flavoring untuk makanan. Mulai dari campuran untuk salad dressing, celupan (dipping) untuk roti, EVOO juga banyak digunakan sebag

Resep: Marie Biscuits Shakes Recipe

It's a very simple beverage you can make for any occasion, let's say family gathering? Or just perfect for your me time. I was growing up eating Marie biscuits, especially when I got sick, I had nothing to eat, no appetite, and my mom gave me this along with hot tea. But these days, I prefer Marie biscuits on my ice cream or gelato, yes thanks to the creative gelateria in Jakarta. Once I tried Marie Biscuits Milk in a cake shop, and it gave me an idea to make this recipe. I used canned milk, to be specific it's Bear Brand (not sponsored), just because it's best for this drink, the flavor and combination with the milky Marie biscuits. I also added non-dairy creamer, topped it with freshly whipped cream and biscuit crumble. You can get the sweetness from condensed milk, but not too much, add a little simple syrup to taste. To make the simple syrup, combine one part of sugar plus one part water, bring to boil until the sugar dissolve. Once cool, keep it refrigerate. Marie

New!! Peanut Butter Almond Magic Menu From A&W Restaurants Indonesia

Kalau Desember lalu menu Breakfast Waffle dan Potato Cheese Balls , nah ada lagi yang baru dari A&W Restaurants Indonesia , di bulan Februari ini ternyata ada beberapa menu baru yang bisa kamu coba dari rangkaian A&W Peanut Butter Almond Magic series, yaitu milkshake , sundae , dan waffle . Selain itu, ada Mango Chicken Pocket dan paket A&W Best Friend Forever (BFF) Rooty Barrel . Untuk paket BFF Rooty Barrel merupakat paket untuk dua orang yang terdiri dari 2 Golden Aroma Chicken, 2 Sunny Egg, 2 Rice, 2 Sundae, dan 2 Root Beer regular dengan harga mulai dari 98.000 rupiah saja. Promo ini berlaku di semua branch A&W Indonesia kecuali store di Banda Aceh. Untuk yang di Jabodetabek ada free 2 coklat Cadbury juga lho. Mango Chicken Pocket dari A&W Restaurants Indonesia ini dari tampilannya aja sudah sangat menarik, chicken strip , salad , dan mashed potato dibungkus dengan spinach flat bread dan disajikan dengan mango dressing , asam manis yang bikin seger. Har

Resep:Gimmari / Kimmari - Korean Deep Fried Seaweed Rolls

Gimmari, Deep Fried Seaweed Rolls filled with glass noodles. Chewy glass noodles wrapped with crispy seaweed, batter coated fried food is just always good. Next time if you're making tteokbokki or budae jjigae, this will be a good company, to be dipped into the sauce.  It's always good to be back in South Korea, just to find good places to eat. I wrote about 15 Must Eat Korean Food  if you want to read, well I definitely need to update it. Gimmari is actually pretty easy to find at the street food vendor in Seoul, but here in Jakarta, I haven't found it yet. So, why not making my own Gimmari. It's actually very easy to make, but it's so good. You surely can make your batter from scratch but once I tried using tempura flour, it turned really nice, light, and crispy. Double fry method is very recommended for this recipe. Ingredients: 100 gr glass noodles 30 gr tiny diced carrot 3 tbsp chives, sliced 5-7 sheets nori seaweed 1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp soy sauce 160 gr te

Resep: Potato Cheese Balls Recipe

As a big fan of potato and cheese at the same time, the combination of both is just lovely for me. So, few weeks ago I wrote a recipe for Perkedel , Indonesian style mashed potato fritters. This recipe is even better, well because I added cheese into the dough and filled with mozzarella, it's breaded, and deep fried. Can I name it Perkedel Hybrid? Well, it's really a must try recipe anyway.  There's an option to put the garlic in or not, I prefer mine without garlic. But if you want it with garlic, it will taste pretty close to  Perkedel  while I like it cheesy so better to leave the garlic. You can also replace the corned beef with chopped smoked beef. It is important to put the breaded potato balls into the fridge (approximately 15-30 minutes) before frying as you want everything stick together. Deep fry on medium low heat, until golden brown. Ingredients: 4 potatoes, boiled, peeled 50 gr corned beef 1 tbsp flour 50 gr grated cheddar cheese 100 gr mozzarella, cut into cub